Knowledge Base

Who do I report campaign signs to, so they can be removed?

Category: Voter Complaints

Washoe County Code Enforcement will investigate political signs that are in Washoe County public right-of-way. 

For all political sign concerns, the Code Enforcement Officer will investigate and contact the person running for office. They will be given a certain amount of time to remove the sign before the Code Enforcement Officer will remove it. Please note that candidates can keep their signs up if they are moving on to the General Election. If candidates fail to take them down, it is the property owner where the sign is located that would be issued a warning letter and 30 days to remove. After that, a penalty notice could be issued in the amount of $100. If signs are in the right-of-way, they are considered illegal and County staff can take them and hold them for 30 days, should the candidate wish to recover it.  

To file a report: 

Please submit a request via the Washoe311 Service Portal and provide your name and contact information and the location where the political sign is located (area / address). 

Anonymous Reports:

You may submit an anonymous compliant for some types of reports; however, you will not be contacted on the status of the complaint and Code Enforcement will not be able to reach you, should they need more information to successfully file the complaint.

If you have any additional questions, you may contact Code Enforcement directly at (775) 328 - 6106. 

Link to WCC CH110, Division 5 

Updated 12/6/2022 1:00 PM
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