Where's My Plow?
Status of Incline Plow
Washoe County Plow Routes Online
Map of unincorporated Washoe County snow removal plow routes and priorities.
To view:
- Select Layers & Tools by clicking on the three horizontal bars on the top, left side of the map.
- Scroll down to “Quick Maps & Themes” and select the “Snow Plow Routes” tab.
Learn more about our priority routes with Rich and Sam.
Washoe County’s roads serves 1,078 center lane miles divided into 34 snow and ice control routes. Routes are created utilizing geographic areas, neighborhoods, and are generally able to be plowed in an eight hour shift. Snow removal efforts take into consideration emergencies, school transportation, and our regions primary transportation artials. The snow removal route categories are called Priority 1, Priority 2 and Priority 3 and are plowed in that order.