Storm Preparation and Clean-Up
Snow Plowing Inquiry
From November through March, the County begins daily monitoring of the weather forecasts for any approaching winter storms. Each storm is individually evaluated to include: pretreatment with sand and/or brine, precautious application to reduce the amount of pretreatment, and dedicated effort to storm clean-up after every storm.
Our ice control material is either brine* (salt water solution) or a mixture of salt and sand. During sanding operations, a mixture of one part salt and three parts sand is utilized. Brine will be used as a pre-treatment for grades, bridges and high volume roadways to help assist in keeping these areas free from ice and snow. The individual operators determine when and where to best apply the material based on their training and professional experience.
Storm Clean Up
After a storm event, street sweepers will be sent out to remove all applied salt/sand materials as expeditiously and safely as weather and road conditions permit. The County targets four (4) days after the end of a storm event to address salt/sand materials on streets.
Learn More About Roads & Brine
Visit our Roads most commonly asked questions for answers on our pre-treatment methods, why brine and what you can do to help. Learn More ยป
Updated 4/18/2024 8:52 AM