What are the DBA requirements?
Fictitious Names (DBA)
Filing Fee: $25.00
Renewal Filing Fee: $25.00
Due to the passage of Assembly Bill 482, filing fees for fictitious firm name transactions will increase to $25.00.
(Cash, Business Check, Money Order or Traveler's Check)
NRS 602.010
Filing of certificate with county clerk
- Every person doing business in this state under an assumed or fictitious name that is in any way different from the legal name of each person who owns an interest in the business, must file with the County Clerk of each county in which the business is being conducted, a certificate containing the information required by NRS 602.020.
- A person intending to conduct a business under an assumed or fictitious name may, before initiating the conduct of the business, file a certificate with the County Clerk of each county in which the business is intended to be conducted.
- If the Board of County Commissioners of a county has adopted an ordinance pursuant to NRS 602.035, a certificate filed pursuant to this section expires 5 years after it is filed with the County Clerk
NRS 602.035
Authority of county to provided for expiration of certificate; filing of renewal certificate; notice to persons who have filed certificates.
- The Board of County Commissioners of a county may provide, by ordinance, that a certificate filed with the county clerk pursuant to NRS 602.010 expires 5 years after it is filed.
- If such an ordinance is adopted, on or before the expiration of the certificate, the person doing business in the county under an assumed or fictitious name that does not indicate the real name of each person who owns an interest in the business must file a renewal certificate containing the information required by NRS 602.020 with the County Clerk.
- A renewal certificate filed pursuant to this section:
- Expires 5 years after it is filed with the County Clerk.
- Must include a statement indicating that the renewal certificate expires 5 years after the date on which it is filed with the County Clerk.
- Upon the adoption of such an ordinance, the County Clerk shall cause to be published, in a newspaper of general circulation in the county, notice that those persons who have filed certificates in the county pursuant to NRS 602.010 are required to renew those certificates pursuant to the provisions of this section.
Updated 11/30/2022 1:24 PM