How Can I Obtain an Autopsy or Examination Report?
Autopsy and examination reports are not considered to be public records in the vast majority of cases per a recent Nevada Supreme Court decision. Generally, only family members of a decedent are able to receive a copy of the report unless the requestor can prove there is a significant public interest and demonstrate how the report will advance that interest.
To request a copy of a report, please complete the form below.
Records, when available, will be transmitted via secure e-mail. Please note that examination reports generally take between 10 and 12 weeks to complete. Reports will not be released if they are pending further investigation or are part of an ongoing legal proceeding.
Please note that we do not have any records for deaths that occurred in Las Vegas or Clark County.
Examination Report Request Form
Please note that we do not have any records for deaths that occurred in Las Vegas or Clark County.
Do I have to pay for the Autopsy?
- No. Autopsies performed under the Washoe County Regional Medical Examiner's jurisdiction are free of charge.
- Cases referred to the Washoe County Regional Medical Examiner's Office from other counties incur feed which are the responsibility of the referring county.
- The Toxicology Report is provided in conjunction with the Autopsy Report.